18 Jan 2023

Andrew Baechle

Andrew has served as an executive in government, professional services firms and international affairs. He worked in the United States, India and UAE before settling in Australia.

As an Executive Director with the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services, Andrew led strategic policy, program design, service delivery reform and Aboriginal Affairs teams across diverse portfolios including child and family services, disability, health services, mental health, AOD, housing and homelessness. As a Director with Deloitte Australia, Andrew worked with federal and state government agencies including the federal Department of Social Services, federal Department of Industry, and NSW Department of Communities and Justice to implement top strategy, policy and service delivery priorities. Andrew also supported the Royal Commission into Institutional Child Sexual Abuse.

He recently served as an Executive Director with the NSW Government in emergency management, leading regional and local operations in community recovery. Andrew also served with the United States Department of State in national security, and he has further experience in international development.